12 amazing Tips For Better Selfies that anyone can follow. After all, everyone has the right to better selfies. You too can look beautiful on camera. Yes, this is possible in reality.
If you are looking for ways to improve your day then here is what to do. Nobody can survive bad pictures and it is time that you stop doing so as well.
Tips For Better Selfies
With that let’s get into it. Here are the top tips for better selfies without editing!
What are some Tips For Better Selfies Without Editing or using Filters?
Well, if you ask yourself that question often chances are that you do not realize how much perfection you hold.
Selfies are a good way to feel comfortable in your own skin. It is like a dynamic mirror you can use to capture happy times.

1. Lighting is Everything:
Everybody needs good lighting. Natural lighting is the best lighting. Sun is easily the hottest and the best source of light. You need the sun in your pictures. Instead of taking pictures indoors, try outdoors.
You can also take amazing pictures in a car. The light from the day gets in a car, but the shade makes sure that it is not too bright. Similarly, you can also take pictures in the outdoors but under a shade.
2. Avoid Shadows:
Therefore, if there is a shadow on your face, don’t take a selfie. It will not flatter your features but distract people away from your face to the shadow in a bad way. Try to face the light instead. It can help in reducing shadows. The sun can be beautiful too. Soft light is better. Try to diffuse the hard light of your house for warm, soft pictures.
3. Flash is Dangerous:
Use with caution. Flash can make good makeup look bad, and clear skin looks weird. You have good features. No need to add a hideous flash into it. Unless you are in the pitch dark. That is only when you should use a flash.
4. Try to clean your camera:
Wet a cloth. Rub on your camera lens. Especially if you have a phone camera. Food, babies, and mud touch your camera after all.
5. Keep a steady hand:
Shaky pictures are not good pictures. Avoid them. Shaking your camera is not artsy, it is lazy. Try to avoid it. Keep your arm steady when you take a picture.
6. Set your angle:
A good angle is on your eye-level. Place the camera lens around your eye in the same line. This will give you aligned pictures without twisting or distorting your face.

7. Smile Hard:
Looking happy in your pictures can make you seem happier, prettier and much more attractive. Always remember, pretty girls, are the happiest.
8. Take a lot of selfies, a lot!:
Basically you should Experiment. Experimentation will help you find an angle that suits your face cut, arm length, camera type, and expressions.
9. Avoid filters:
No need to hide your skin with snap chat filters. Show your features. You are not a cartoon. Don’t cartoony yourself it is not fun. Act a little grown-up, please. Snapchat filters have gotten old and boring. Have some integrity, do not pose as a puppy.
10. Avoid over-editing, your face is not a glazed donut:
Thus, no need to edit if you have great lighting already. The sun adds glow to your natural look and brings out the good side. Everybody looks better when they look illuminated but tube lights and energy savers can make you look unnaturally ugly.
11. Natural is beautiful:
Word of advice: Don’t ruin your pictures because of carelessness. The colors and the detail will be ruined if your camera is dirty. Do this daily.
12. Sometimes Cliches are Good too:
Pout for a change. Pouts are evergreen cliches that people hate doing still love seeing. To gain courage and pout all the way!

Also, read: how to improve your skincare. With that, we wish you a very Good Morning!