Can You Reunite With a Divorced Partner? What is Halala Nikah? We are about to bust some myths and light some facts now. So here are the types of Nikah you should know about.
4 Types of Nikah You Should Know About
In order to reunite with a divorced partner, a wife must perform Halala. There are serious implications to this. This Nikah is a way to purify herself and to show that her decision of being back with her ex-husband is final. This is a hot topic all over Islam. However, it is a common activity in many countries with corrupt religious figures and monks.

Halala Nikah
The woman must consummate her marriage (have sex to validate a marriage) with another man for this to work. Once done she can break that Nikkah. This allows her to reunite with her older husband, A BBC report found that Halala is common in certain Pakistani Muslim communities in the UK. Other scholars say it is advisable that the marriage can continue without a Halala.
The report shows many examples of women. These are a subject of exploitation by local religious figures. A woman usually ends up with the monk in this setting. This is so that she performs the Halala with the monk or the chief of the family. This allows this man whoever they may be to have sex with the woman because of her choices. This is emotionally and mentally disturbing for women. In India, the BJP-ruled government is in favor of criminalizing the nikah of Halala.
Activists are a subject of hate and acid attacks for proposing the ban. The chances of the woman marrying are limited to the man she marries for the purpose of Halala. If the man divorces her, only then can she go back to the first husband? If he does not, he will still be entitled to having access to her as his wife.
Nikah al-misyar: Progressive than Having to perform Halala Nikah?
If a husband and wife do not want to live together they enter into a different kind of Nikah. This is the Nikah Al-Misyar. There can be several additions or subtractions to this unique family system. Rules, regulations, and rights vary in such a Nikah.

Nikah Mut’ah
This is a disputed subject. Nikah Mut’ah is a temporary marriage between a man and a woman. This is practiced under one of the Sects in Islam.
This is a private arrangement that can be in a word composition or oral form. A declaration of the intent to marry and an acceptance of the terms are mandatory, in any case. This shows consent to enter into the Nikah. This is a pleasure-based agreement to make the sex Halal between two people.
Although within this sect there are many disputes as to the usage of this form of marriage and the legality of it.
Nikah ‘urfi
This is an understood Nikkah based on the convenience of the couple. It can be without a contract and oral only. The parents do not have to know about this Nikah and are hence a feature of many youth subcultures to prevent the sexual penalization and yet engage in marital sex. The wife, however, is not committing a crime by being in such a marriage, unless she tries to quit it.
There is no recognition for the wife in terms of legality. The wife does not get a divorce unless the husband wants to because there is no law prescribed for this. Her husband could remarry. But, the wife can be accused of adultery. This is punishable by seven years in prison in Egypt, or she could remain single for the rest of her life. This is popular in Egypt anyhow.
Read, Also Gifts for Him. Which one of these did you not know about before? Share the knowledge and steer away from hate! The more we educate and know about our religion, the better discourse we have. Good Morning Pakistan!