You will be surprised.
You might have heard people cringe about fairness creams and comment that they are an outdated product, or that no one should use them, ever wondered why? No, not really, the reason why you shouldn’t use these creams are not that simple like health and love your body.
1. They are cancerous
All fairness creams contain mercury. Mercury can cause skin cancer among other things because it is more toxic than you can think. Turns out, drugs, cigarettes, expired products, and preservatives are not the only cancerogenic substances in our lives.
This means people who put on fairness creams, they add to their risk of cancer each day.

2. Attack on body positivity and self-esteem
Every fairness cream ad tells you that you have dull and boring skin. Now that is very offensive, and you should not give any brand the right to whisper such things into your brain.
It can kill your confidence even when you have nothing to worry about. You should not promote any brand that you think is shaming you or your looks.
3. Artificially bleaching one part of the body is not the solution
If you really do want a clear and healthy-looking attractive skin then focus on your body and not just on your face.
You should totally go for eating 5-6 pieces of whole fruits each day, add the juice of a few lemons in your daily food intake and stop eating sugary junk food. Your skin will start glowing and your body will be happy on the inside.
On the flipside, fairness creams are so harsh on your skin that they can give you acne and cystic trouble you really do not want in your pursuit of beauty.
4. Understand why we like it ‘fair’:
India and Pakistan were ruled by the Britsh for 15 decades. This is why the culture developed an affinity for the fairer women and then began to hate what it already had in most parts of its land, brown skin.
The influence is still there like our obsession with the English language. We inherited this desire to be ‘white.’
5. Wanting what we don’t have: Is Toxic
Insecurities are bad.
It is a global fact that people like what they do not have. Like someone else’s hair length, someone’s height, somebody’s weight, and someone else’s skin color. Fair women on the other side of the world want our skin color, we want theirs.

It is wrong to put creams on your skin to become who you are not and to lose your identity. It is exactly like a kid trying to wear some other kid’s clothes that do not fit or look appropriate either.
Don’t worry you are beautiful the way you are.