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Child Vision Problems

Child Vision Problems

Child Vision Problems are a major concern for today’s parents. There are many reasons that cause a lot of problems. In a world where 80 percent of learning is through visuals. Studies have proved that almost 60 percent of children having difficulties in learning are suffering from undetected vision problems. This leaves these children shorthanded in their learning phase along with hindering their social development. The question is that what can parents do to ensure that this does not happen to their children? Luckily, there is a lot of help and resources to guide the parents.

Reason Why So Many Child Vision Problems Are Undiagnosed?

The main reason why childhood eye problems are often left undiagnosed in the early stages is that children are unable to report about them themselves. Adults often confuse this issue with a learning disability in the child, when the child is in fact struggling with the visual task at hand. 

They fail to realize that the problem is originally with the child’s eyes.

Sometimes, all they know is that their child is having a harder time in learning compared to their classmates, which can be upsetting and pressuring for the children, especially if they are being scolded for failing to do their tasks or compete at school.

Commonly Known Child Vision Problems

One more reason why child vision problems go unnoticed is that many children do not get their comprehensive eye exams. Their visual acuity may be tested by the school nurse using the big E chart, but that itself is not enough. Although this is an important test, there’s still a lot that isn’t being tested, e.g:

Convergence Insufficiency

This is a binocular vision issue in which, when looking at up-close things, the eyes tend to drift outward. This subsequently makes tasks like reading difficult for the child.


A vision screening might miss this because the effect can be very subtle, although there is a refractive error causing a blurry vision. This can eventually cause amblyopia if not treated in time using corrective lenses.


This is misalignment of the eyes where they turn up, down, in or out. This also if left untreated can cause amblyopia, however, there are a lot of available treatments, e.g. using specially designed glasses, correcting by patching or sometimes even going for surgery.

“Lazy eye” or Amblyopia

This is reduced vision in one eye, normally caused by crossed eyes, difference in each eye’s refractive error or astigmatism. If not treated, amblyopia can cause permanent vision loss.

What Warning Signs Should Parents Watch For?

There are many symptoms of an eye problem which can be easily observed. They include frequent squinting or an eye turning in or out or, however, other symptoms may need much more careful observation. It is of course never a bad idea to bring the child in for a comprehensive eye exam. After all, problems that are identified at the early stage have a better chance of successful treatment. ​Eye tests by the child’s doctor can be the key to identifying child vision problems.

The warning signs of a vision problem in children (as per their age):

 Babies Up To 1 Year Of Age With Child Vision Problems

Children Older Than 3 Months With Child Vision Problems

This age kid should be able to follow or track an object, like a ball or toy, with their eyes as it moves along their field of vision. If the baby cannot make steady eye contact by this time or seems unable to properly see, the child’s doctor should be immediately notified.

Before 4 Months

Mostly the eyes of babies’ look misaligned (strabismus) at occasions. However, after crossing 4 months in age, if outward drifting or inward crossing is still occurring regularly, it cannot be considered normal. The child’s doctor should be immediately notified if any of this is present.

Preschool Age Child Vision Problems

There are no warning signs for a vision problem such as amblyopia (lazy eye), and your child may not even report any issues with vision at all. That is what makes it important at this stage to have your child’s vision tested. There are special tests designed to test the child’s vision even if they are unable to read yet.

Identifying Kids With Child Vision Problems

If you feel that your child is displaying any of the following symptoms or signs, you should immediately consult their doctor. They can be:

Never Delay In Scheduling The Eye Exam Of Your Child

Being parents, we definitely want to give our children the absolute best. This also entails that if they are going through a vision disorder, it should be identified, diagnosed and treatment should be started as soon as possible. This is to ensure that they do not have to struggle against it as they learn and grow.

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