Every cook needs cooking tips. Even professionals. But, if you are a new housewife then you are struggling with ‘what to cook today’ and how to cook some special things. This is a quick guide made for you.
If you are a modern woman then you know cooking is not an easy task, especially in today’s world. We are surrounded by fast food, cheap food solutions, a lot of sauces, easy ready meals and delivery apps on our phones. If you need a better way to live, eat and love the food you eat then you know that cooking is important. However, it can be difficult if you want your cooking to make everyone happy at once.
So, here are some quick and easy cooking tips that can improve your family’s health, and happiness. This can be a better alternative than just cooking anything without these suggestions. It can make your life easier and the cooking procedure simpler.

Quick Cooking Tips:
You can always start to learn things with the easiest tips first. But, it is much more positive and rewarding for a learner to start with the fastest tips initially. You can be more motivated with quick tips. It feels good to see that you’re accomplishing at a fast pace with tips that help you improve your speed at learning while polishing the skills.
You can learn about cooking with greater zeal and zest if you see good results in a short time in the beginning.
If you want to cook like that, then just follow these:
- Make a list of food items or dishes that you know how to cook, write the name of everyone who likes to eat it in your house in front of it. This way when you want to cook, you will not have to think for hours to decide what you’ll make.
- Keep fixed utensils. All you need is one pan, the size depends on you. You can dedicate this pan to all the gravies. You can also invest in a handi of you want to. A chopping board and a sharp knife are also important for quick cooking. Quick results need the right tools.
- Think of shortcuts and don’t follow the recipes step by step. Following the recipe step by step creates a lot of unnecessary workloads. Think of the things that can be done together, for example frying spices and chicken, and create your own shortcuts.
- Use high flame for cooking and low flame only if you are working in the background on other things. Using alow flame can waste a lot of time.
Easy cooking tips for beginners:
So, now if you have your speed in place. Here’s how to make it all easier:
- Focus on the taste. When you cook imagine what is happening to the raw ingredients as you cook them in each stage. This will teach you how to cook different ingredients and how long to cook each item. Don’t guess if the food is cooked, just pull out some pieces from the gravy and taste it to check if it’s raw or done.
- Double batch your rice. Reheated rice is not bad. If you are making white rice with lentils or daal today you can make extra for biryani and toss it on the fridge. This way when you need some biryani you can quickly pull it out and enjoy the ease.
- Cook the desi basics. Make Korma, Karahi, Biryani and handis and bhujiyas. This way you can master the basic recipes, and prevent any burning or wasting of food last minute. Most of these things can be mastered if you like to eat them. Just cook what you like and it should get easier and easier through practice.

If you are food-lover cooking becomes easier and natural. Then, if you are a care-giver, cooking becomes much easier as well. If you want to cook well, you should always picture the satisfaction on the face of the people who will eat it including yourself. That should keep you motivated and passionate enough.
Also, Read Easy recipes for anyone to cook. Stay cooking, stay passionate! Good Morning Pakistan!