Do you give enough time to your beauty? Or are you lazy, busy or unbothered about your looks? If you are any of these, then it is time to change that quickly and easily. You can follow this easy beauty routine for women and glow up as a beautiful woman in no time.
A good routine means you take care of your internal and external skin in simple ways. You do not need to invest in expensive makeup or skincare products, this can be done with natural products, at the ease fo your home.

What is a good Beauty Routine for women?
Sure, salons offer a multitude of facials and skin treatments, but none of them are as potent as you naturally committing to making your skin a lot more better and healthier. It is not hard we promise!
A beauty routine means you do 5 or 6 things every night or every morning and that is all your skin needs. These things should be good enough to satisfy the requirements of your skin. We are going to help you pick some good habits that can be combined to make a great beauty and skincare routine fit for your skin type.

Things you need to start a beauty routine for women:
You do not need a lot to start being kind to your skin and body. Firstly, you need to make sure it is clean and require some basic items to do that. Secondly, you need some nutrients to add to the natural beauty of your skin to alleviate problems like acne, dryness, dullness, wrinkles, fine lines or even pigmentation.
So to name a few items, you need a cleanser, a toner, a mask, a moisturizer, and a scrub for your skin. No, you do not need to buy these items, everything is already there in your kitchen.

Steps of the Beauty Routine For Women
If you don’t understand the exact issue of your skin, you can try all the steps and see which one is your favorite and has the best result on your skin within one week of daily use.
Step 1: Oil Cleanse
Wash your face. Then apply a few drops or thin layer of natural olive oil on your skin. Massage for 2 minutes. Wash with warm water.
Step 2: Lemon Tone
After you have washed the remaining oil with warm water and optional soap, you can apply 2-3 drops of lemon juice directly to your face and rub it into the skin. Be careful around the eye area. And do not rub for too long.
You will need to wash it the moment the skin feels tingly.
Step 3: Now you need to soothe your skin with a face mask.
Apply a mixture of Milk and Gram flour on your face. Wait for it to dry, then peel off. Once you peel off there will be some leftover on your skin, you can rub and rinse that. Then wipe with a clean, wet towel, preferably a little lukewarm for winters.
Step 4: Moisturize
By this time you have eliminated the dirt, clogged pores and the sebum from your skin. But, squeaky clean skin is super dry and prone to being irritated easily. You now need to add good moisture back into the skin.
For this, you need to apply a thin layer of aloe vera gel, honey mixed with a drop of olive oil or some light face cream that suits you, on to your skin. Just one of these can work. You can also add a new one each night.
Step 4: Scrub or Exfoliate
You need to rub the dead skin out of your skin. If you have very dry this you should do this after the moisturizing part. If you have combination to oily skin you can do it before moisturizing and after you apply your mask.
For this again you will need just a few of your kitchen ingredients to do the job. You can choose an organic or store-bought scrub too if you like, but they are usually a lot harsher than the ones potentially available in your kitchen.
To make a quick DIY daily use scrub just mix a tablespoon of salt with a tablespoon of honey. Then massage and gently rub on your skin. Go into the deeper areas like the sides of your nose, area around the lips, under the lips and near the hairline.
You can also do this with castor sugar (fine tiny sugar granules), brown sugar or even coffee grounds (not instant coffee/crushed natural coffee bean).

Step 7: Sleep on a clean pillowcase.
You can not sleep on a dirty pillowcase and expect you to have clean beautiful skin. Wash your pillow every 1-2 weeks. Make sure it does not store oil from your hair or sebum from your roots. Try to keep your hair out of your face as well.
Step 8: Stay consistent.
You need to follow the routine for 1 week to see the benefits. You will use these things once and feel like your skin is perfect, but if you need permanent results, you need to do it every day for at least 1 week.
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