From the rich to the poor, to the man who does not care about anything, to the woman who cares about everything, everybody wants to know how to be happier. So, here are 5 sure shot ways to be happier.
You can too, it is no science! Well, just a little effort is needed. Being happier is all about the realization that right now sometimes you are not as happy as you would like to be. And feeling like this is okay. It is okay to feel sad sometimes. Everybody feels blue once in a blue moon. But, we should always work to be happier.
And thus, here we are. Learn, share, and be much happier!

How To Be Happier with 5 tricks
1. Be Thankful
For happiness, nothing works more than Gratitude does, both psychologically and spiritually speaking. This is why it is important to do all the cliche things like counting your blessings and being grateful.
Saying that you are blessed has a positive effect on your brain. Saying that you are doomed has negative and dark scarring on your soul.
Knowing that you are blessed as a great overall effect on the mind and body. It will help you recall everything extraordinary that you have. We already know this so we never feel that we should actually sit down and count everything that is good in life. But, the day we start we will be much more proud of them and much happier. You will feel more proficient, more harmonious and less frustrated.
2. Be Mindful
If you want to know how to be happy, meditation is a good place to start. Lower your stress and release more endorphins by naturally being mindful of the things you are doing. Drinking coffee and ordering pizza is a normal activity. But, for many people, the small things we do are big achievements and even mighty rewards that they only dream of.
So don’t just sip coffee and not notice the refined flavors, aroma and the heat. Actually drink the whole experience in and try to absorb the goodness from this experience that so many people do not get to. Invest your senses.
3. Move it.
If you are wondering how people like Kim K and Kanye do it, they move it. Being happier is more about your body than mind sometimes. We all need to redefine our efforts. We need to improve our toxic habits and do healthier things to be happier. The basics of being happy include not being regretful. To a great extent sitting all day doing nothing curbs our energies and ruins our self-esteem. You should walk, jog, run, do push-ups or squats. Whatever makes you feel energetic even for 5 minutes straight can change your life.
Gotta Shake it for the Biscuit after all!
4. How To Be Happier: Eliminate Distraction
Is there anything that you think is stopping you from being the version of you? Not enough time? Not enough money? People do not deserve it? Or you are simply not good enough? These are all obstacles standing between you and the happier you. You have to remove them and be better. Cut the excuses and get into the game of being better every day and promise yourself that you will be happy with or without everyone and everything else.

Did you like it? Good, now do it. And tell us how it feels in a day, or two or more. Your happiness is in your control, not in your child’s, not in your husband or wife’s, in your own hands. Good morning Pakistan!
ALSO READ: How to be stress-free.