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How to cure Seasonal Allergies with simple steps

cure Seasonal Allergies

cure Seasonal Allergies

Have you ever had to face Seasonal Allergies? Or pollen allergies, even worse? Then you understand that they can be a pain in your arse. Here is how to cure seasonal allergies with simple steps once and for all.

This is not medical advice, this is just something I did to cure mine and Voila, here I am fit and allergy-free. I just wish more people knew this about allergens and allergies.

Truth before we head to cure seasonal allergies:

First of all, allergies can happen to anyone and they have nothing to do with your otherwise health and even your immunity system. Although having a stronger immunity system is key to shooing off allergies of all kinds.

Now second of all, this guide is a combination of all internet resources. I have extruded the best possible tips that are more than just hacks. Because, well, there is no way to hack your health.

The best things to cure seasonal allergies:

These are tested and tried steps that helped me absolutely cure myself.

Green tea:

Some people get triggered by vegetables. If you are one of them you may need to avoid it, but adding ginger to your tree can help your symptoms a lot.


Honey contains pollen. But, somehow natural organic honey teaches your body that you can have good pollen as well. This builds your body’s immunity towards poor pollen that is irritable and triggers your allergy symptoms.

Cleanse your nose.

You need to wash the insides as well as you can. Pollens adhere to our mucus membranes. This means if you thoroughly wash and cleanse your nose, preferably with lukewarm water your flu may disappear completely or reduce massively.

Manage stress:

Stree is one of the triggers of such symptoms. Make your body strong. Tell your body who the boss is and this is going to keep it in better shape. Always remember, that good health is in part a good mindset. If you understand the extent of their synonymity then you will know how important it is to have the right will to cure yourself.

Detox the body.

We keep adding to our body’s level of toxins. We never flush them. For me, the biggest problem was nicotine. All my friends smoked. Sometimes the car or the room would be stuffed with nicotine smoke and ash. This congested my system and gave me horrible attacks of allergies. You can simply cure seasonal allergies by cleansing or rather detoxing your liver.

This sounds difficult than it really is and you need only a day or two to do it if you are super serious about your health. You need to increase green tea from a natural tea source to about 3-4 cups. You can then increase mint and herbal intake. Try to use more and more fresh basil in your life in general. You also need good fat from the quality of fish.

Fastfood and streetfood fish are not healthy, period. This is an end of the debate. If you can not eat a lot of fish look into fish cod oil or try fish omega-3 and vitamin supplements. You need this nutrition because just cleaning your system is not enough. You first need to clean it. And then you need to fix it by replenishing good nutrition into it.

Take probiotics.

Eat yogurt. Correction: Eat homemade Yogurt. This will give power and raw nutrients that are not processed through chemicals and thickening agents. You need healthy probiotics. No, baby food does not supply them, it is only said so in the advertisements.

Invest in a saline nasal spray.

I did not understand what these were until I used one. And this changed my life. I would have gone through a polyps surgery without this. But, having it reduced the need to. Such a lifesaver.

Try these tips and tell us which one of these steps helped you push away your issue forever?

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