Yes, that is correct, just Reading About The Pakistani Beauty Standards Will Make You 3x Attractive.
We need to let go off the old Pakistani beauty standards that tell us that the fair, slim, tall models are the only pretty. Many people think that only these women in television dramas and in magazines are the only ones who are pretty. Welcome beauty that suits you. Yes, that is true. Take back the control that the society took away from you. tell the world that you are worth every sight and every hug.

Why Use New Beauty Standards:
A woman is a woman no matter what. And this is the beauty of the modern world. If you are confident you are already gazillion times more attractive than you are when you are in doubt or worrying about petty things. If you are smart and educated, you are already much more interesting to talk to and people can actually learn things from you.
A person who reads unique things daily, a person who knows about culture, trends, and new happenings is already a smart person. This person has meaningful things to add to conversations. People might actually find out about new things while talking to you. This is why it is important to read and transform yourself.
Top Beauty Standards: Be Current and Crazy
All my life I have seen many men and women break up with people simply because the other person was dumb. I am not saying you should read and learn because no one can break up with you, but you should do it because it will make you irresistibly genius. They say it right, knowledge is power. Increase your power. Open knowledge sources like GMP every morning on your phone, tablet or even computer. Read about what is happening in the world. Become a new kind of attractive and educated. Have some power and prowess around your circles.
Here’s to a new life and an improved self-image. Education boosts confidence and improves our self-perception. If that gives you comfort then be it. Body positivity is a long walk but we can take small steps to appreciate yourself.

Body Positivity is new Attractive:
If all human beings were created equal why do we think that some are prettier than others? You should think about this and make people think about this too. In the world, people are banning beauty creams that promote fairness. People are banning diet plans and even many celebrities for promoting body surgeries to increase their body parts. The world is becoming positive about their bodies. We should too.
Decide if you want to start now or never. You can start by actually praising your own beauty and flattering yourself with the kind of self-expressive art that you choose to. It is always a good day to be yourself! Cheers to the thought! After all, if you do not find yourself attractive, who else will?

Educate yourself and the ones around you. Our older beauty standards come from older times. Colonial times basically. During British Rule, we started obsessing over fairness and tall women. This is why India and Pakistan think that Gora Rung is Saaf Rung. And we honestly want you to know that Stop This Plague!
This is a public service from Good Morning Pakistan to its readership. Learn, Share, Enjoy and Improve. This is a great motto to live by. Here is to growing and improving together! Good Morning Pakistan! Stay happy and Blessed!