This manual is for people like my mother, her and for many plus size women like her who were never taught how to love themselves. Because boy do we deserve to love ourselves!

Here are the 6 Tips for Plus Size Women, to fall in love with yourself and with any woman around you:
Dear Plus Size women:
Understand that all your life has been a lie to keep you in chains: Too much? Well, you were taught how to be beautiful, but only one type of beautiful. Mostly the kind that is fair and skinny, and knows how to make perfect chappatis. You were never taught that deep skin is beautiful, curves are hot and every hair color and hair texture is as exciting as you are.
Unlearn and Relearn Plus Size Women:
Instead of telling yourself that stretch marks are ugly and you need some bum cream to get rid of them, tell yourself that they make you unique, and that is what you should flaunt.
Detox and get rid of the pressures around you:
Unfollow the skinny models, get rid of the diet plans, remove aunties that comment ‘beta you are so healthy nowadays’. You don’t need to hit the gym to look a certain skinny way, but you can if you want to build stamina, have a healthy heart and an active lifestyle, although nobody should make you do this.
Invest in yourself:
Give you some self-love and if it comes at a price, then be it. Fine, we are mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, and whatnot, but it’s okay to be just a girl for once. You can prioritize yourself for a second, it is nothing to be afraid of, nothing to be ashamed of. You can be young and chill again. Be okay with who you are by giving that person the gifts she has long deserved. The kind of gifts that make her feel good in her skin. Com’on you’ve earned it!
No more comparison porn!
And you gotta be strict with this one. I know and You know looking at amazing makeup tutorials, crazy good travel vloggers and socialites only make us want to be more unlike us, and more like them. AND THAT AIN’T FAIR TO YOU GIRL! If you like their feed it’s cool, just post their posts and stories on mute for a little bit. You can work on your aesthetic meanwhile. If you can be something, be secure, be independent and be strong. And that means letting go of things that may make you feel inadequate. Be your own person, YOU DO YOU GIRL! And also, remember lady, that women are stronger and better together.
You want to shake things up? You want to change the way your everyday looks and feels to you? Then you gotta build it all the way up from the ground. You must take time to think about how lazy you have gotten over the years? Do you want to put yourself in the rear seat and let someone else drive your car? Do you want your Darzi Sahab to dictate how you look, or worse, your husband’s work friend’s wife? You can’t. No, you don’t have to fall into the traps of designers who think they are super fancy. Designers make only very exclusive pret, but at the end of the day they only put out sizes that are confined in small, medium, large and XL. What on earth is XL? God forgive me if I try to gift my mother an XL outfit, the heaven floor is likely to fall on my head. It is just outright disgusting.

Truth for Plus Size Women
Honey, if you still don’t feel the same way then you need to read this post up once again! Because it’s time you get what you deserve and wakeup to the nonsense of the fashion industry that makes you feel like you are the cast-out. You are not so thin or too tall or fat that they need to make ‘an exception for you’, get things altered and made to fit specifically taking an extra 10 days. Your size is not normal and you are such an altruist big-hearted kind person. Plus size women are normal!