Making the right choices about your skin care starts with knowing various skin types. Different skin types are hereditarily determined but choosing the best skincare for your face and body is essential to care for your skin’s health, slow the aging process and look after yourself! The first step toward getting beautiful skin is figuring out your skin type. Confused about which category or combination, oily, normal, or dry and sensitive—you fall into? You’re not alone, and we at Shapes Brow Bar take all points into consideration before we recommend you any services and products.

Understanding Skin Types
Most women misdiagnose themselves and, as a result, wind up using the wrong care routine and products. Caring for the wrong skin type can worsen the skin, lead to acne, or even make your skin look older than it really is. So we planned an easy double-dealer to help you pinpoint the correct category, then talked to our four top dermatologists, each with a different skin type, to reveal their best lifestyle advice and the products they swear by and ensured the professionals at Shapes perform the necessary.

Genetic Factors Also Play A Role!
We are born with skin types depending upon the genetic factor. However, skin texture gradually depends on our diet, its care, environment in which we live. And, on our daily used products for our skin. Moreover, it also depends on the interest of people, that how interested they are to take care of their skin. Usually, we are busy in the daily routines that we do not bother to know exact skin type for ourselves. We start using the products which are easily available in the market. But, in order to have beautiful and fresh skin forever for YOU do need to take extra care.

Common Skin Types?
The most common types of skin are five: Blotting a clean tissue on your face in the morning is an easy way to find out your skin type
- Normal Skin
- Dry Skin
- Oily Skin
- Combination Skin
- Patchy or Sensitive Skin