PCOS is a common bodily disorder found in women in the contemporary world. This stands for PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome. But, we bring you a natural PCOS cure, this is groundbreaking!
Everywhere in the world people rely on medicines and even operations to treat PCOS. But, in the modern world of organic produce and whole foods, this can be averted. The natural nutrition that we hated so much while growing up can now save us. One of the most worse symptoms of PCOS is the pain that makes it feel like an excruciating period. Patients suffer pain throughout the month, every month of the year, yet they have to go on with their lives.
Happily enough, this can change now. Medicines have side effects and they can even further complicate the hormonal balance in a woman’s body. This is why many people resist medicinal treatments and search for natural ones.
Natural medicines are potent, but there is very little awareness about it. So here is a lot more about a natural PCOS cure.
A Natural PCOS Cure
Researchers say that the causes of PCOS are complicated, but insulin resistance and hormone regulation are quintessential to manage it. This is why your diet is important. In today’s world, the chicken and broilers we eat can hamper our body’s natural ability to balance hormones. This is why PCOS has been growing among women in Pakistan in the past couple of decades.
Here are 5 PCOS fighting natural cures though.
These are not solely capable of resolving any acute issues. However, they should be tried inconsistency and moderation. You should consult your doctor before beginning any alternate medication anyway, including natural ones.

1. Whole foods
You need whole foods. Nuts, Fruits, Vegetables, and dairy that is free from artificial sugars, hormones, and preservatives are important for any healthy person. These foods are as close to their natural, unprocessed state as possible. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes are whole foods that you can add to your diet.
Unprocessed fruits and vegetables contain all-natural juices and vitamins. You need them. Farmed milk that is free from preservatives is also good.
Without hormones and preservatives, human endocrine can properly regulate your blood sugar.
2. Balance carb and protein intake
You don’t need a Keto diet to be healthy. Just making sure that your Carbohydrates and protein levels are balanced is enough. Protein promotes the growth of insulin. Healthy carbs can also help in improving insulin sensitivity. Instead of cutting carbs, cute bad carbs like white bread, deserts and some fast food from your diet.
And focus more on legumes, kidney beans, white chickpeas, and similar proteins.

3. Anti-inflammatory
PCOS is like a low-secret inflammation. By avoiding fried food, spices and some acid-like items such as vinegar which is synthetic you can cut on the inflammation.
Olive oil, tomatoes, greens, fish and pine nuts fight inflammation. Add a layer of thee in your daily meal to improve PCOS.
4. Up your iron intake
PCOS also triggers heavy periods and low iron count in your system. improve that with iron-rich foods. These include spinach, eggs, and broccoli to your diet. Believe it or not, Sherbat-E-Faulad is great too. Gotta keep the iron pumped like Popeye!
5. Add in some fiber to help with digestion
A diet high in fiber can help improve your digestion. You can switch to bran bread, brown wild rice and even whole wheat flour. But there will still be an inadequacy of proper fiber. So, the common household Ispaghol can be of great use. You can also use Chia Seeds, Basil Seeds or even Oatmeal for fiber if you like. The more the merrier.
Being women it is always better to add combined vitamin D and calcium to your diet. Probiotics such as homemade yogurt and non-spicy pickle or kimchi are also great.
A combination of such a diet can help you reduce your pain, manage your condition and perhaps even heal if done right. Good luck, and share with the people who need this the most!
Also Read: How to detoxify your body from allergens.