Rabi Pirzada, Shaheen Afridi and Hareem Shah are all the gossip now. But, here is a brief explanation of what all of this is about: Revenge Porn.
If you live around any place that has access to the internet you know about these scandals. The internet has had it to its head about all of this revenge porn and post-breakup wars.
Kim K vs. Rabi Pirzada
But, just like Keeping Up With The Kardashians (Kim Kardashian West’s reality show), we can simply not have enough of it as a nation. People in Pakistan want the truth. And God knows, getting the truth out in Pakistan is a difficult job.
So, it all started with Rabi Pirzada. Rabi Pirzada is in the news again. But, not for her work, for what she did not choose to happen. This time it is for Revenge Porn.
What is revenge porn?
When you do NOT allow a person to share a vulnerable picture of you with anyone and they do it to get back to you after your break up. This is a simple definition. It can be a picture, video or even voice recording or text. Anything remotely sexual that shows you in a compromising situation counts as revenge porn. IT IS STILL REVENGE PORN IF YOU SENT IT TO THEM, KNEW IT WAS BEING RECORDED OR NOT.

Is Rabi Pirzada to be blamed?
People everywhere in the world are quickly learning what consent it. Apparently, for so many years, nobody talked about this. So, unless someone tells you this picture, video or whatever is a shareable thing, gives it to you in writing, it is NOT.
Not only is this an actionable criminal offense it is also ethically and morally disgusting. While so many misogynist men are trying to say it is justified for a woman to be shamed if she ever sends a nude to anyone she cared or liked or whatever; many people are breaking their silence.
Morality kills many women in Pakistan. #Throwback to Qandeel Balouch. But, it needs to stop. Men disapprovingly send dick pics and NOBODY whatsoever blames them. This is a clear patriarchal culture that silences, snubs and exploits women. No matter what happens the woman is to blame. But, an example like this has fired a debate.
You can not blame the victim, period. Blaming the victim is our favorite gossip mood. And it needs to change if we are to survive in this global world in the next decades.

Shaheen Afridi, Hareem Shah:
One compound word: Role-reversal. Men can also become a target of revenge porn. While many cricketers are shown as under 18 on the PCBA description, it can be a serious criminal offense to share a video or image of a young cricketer under the legal age of consent. It can count as child pornography which is an entirely different ball game in the legal universe if the video proves to be a year or older than 2019.
This means from a joke this scandal can go into wildfire constitutional and social battleground in Pakistan within seconds. But, was the Twitter account that initially allegedly called itself Hareem Shah aware of this. In the modern age, the IP address of the Tweet can be traced, and this thing could turn into some serious news thing. But, do people think before their actions? Not in here we do not.
Wake up and change the world! Good Morning Pakistan!