Do you love using your phone? Do you love your phone a lot? Do you get tired easily? But you still want to go on? Here is how to use your phone without damaging eyes.
Yes, this is entirely possible. No, you are not dreaming. Stop, and read with focus, please. Phones offer an unnatural image to your eyes. Televisions also do the same. However, phones are closer to our eyes. This is because we keep them at hand distance and we use them in the dark with no lights in the room, just on our phone.

This can make you drowsy, it can blur your vision in and out sometimes. It can even make your eyes feel tired in the morning when you just wake up.
These issues also apply to laptops, tablets, and even e-readers. You can use any gadget without permanent retina damage. And, there are a lot of ways to prevent it.
Two ways how to use your phone without damaging eyes:
Your phone has a small screen. The small font and the glaring brightness both damage your eyes. One way to protect yourself from the eyesight problems is that you increase the font to the maximum. The second way to use your phone and not damage your eyes is by making sure that you use the phone on lower brightness settings.
But, these both may be annoying for you to adjust. Most people rather let their eyes feel tired. You can wear out eyes than doing something for them, we know. Increasing the font of their phone or even reducing brightness to the most minimal seems hard.
What else can be done?
Start eating about 2 raw carrots a day to make sure your eyes are not hurt and rather there is enough nutrition to keep them safe.
Another safe way for your eyes to feel fresh in the morning is through refueling them. Eyes have a water-like solution in them naturally. Phone usage requires us to keep our eyes open for so long. That makes our eyes very dry. You can start to add rose water twice a day when you land on the bed. This should be in the morning once and then when you sleep at night, once.

This can help you double up on natural water in the eyes making it easy to see and not too irritating.
You should also try drops and natural eye solutions that medical professionals recommend they also basically provide the same use. They recondition and wet your eyes again. This moisturization is as important as any other part of your body.
Y’all should also allow your family to reap the benefits that you are reading about small steps and share it with them to help them keep their eyes and retina in shape and prevent injury or permanent damage.

Improve your eyesight by using a cold pack on your eyes for 5 minutes daily. This may be a little difficult to do in the winters but it is very helpful. All you need to do is wrap some ice in a towel. Then dip the iced area or the pouch of the towel into a few drops of water. Now let it cool for about 2 minutes.
Next, close your eyes and apply the cold compress to your eyes. This will also reduce puffiness and make your eyes cleaner, calmer and much healthier.
Best Solution:
Perhaps, here is the easiest trick in the book. Y’all can improve your eyesight with a simple trick called the eye workout. For this, you need to look away every 5 minutes. For atleast 2 minutes. It can also help you socialize and talk to real people.
Alternatively, these 2 minutes can be the ones where you go heat your food, or clean your cupboard or even clear your mind off the many things that your phone was making you think.

And remember, you should not use your phone a lot for your emotional health. But, it is okay if you manage well with tips and tricks like these. Share this with your famjam! Good morning Pakistan!